Sabtu, 08 Februari 2014

Doll? Yep

Why can i have a normal friend? Entah kenapa kalo di sekolah aku gabiaa bersosialisasi dengan baik. I always try to get to know the others but she always failed it. She doesn't want everybody knows me. Don't know why. Gue selalu dikekang sama dia. Dibilang salah lah, diperhatiin mulu gerak-geriknya. Gatau kenapa.. I just hate her. Dia selalu melebeli aku alim supaya apa-apa yang aku lakukan kalo udah menyeleweng dikit pasti ngomong, serem dan akting kayak orang ketakutan. Pengen di cakar mukanya, pengen ngebuat dia ngerasain apa yang gue rasain.
I'm not yor doll, please wake up! We're not in Wonderland and definetly it's not yours to take away! So please go home, tell your mommy that you doesn't have a doll to crash

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